Jonathan Cole

Conservatism, libertarianism and political theology

Jonathan Cole is an Australian thinker, writer, translator, commentator and podcaster whose work sits at the intersection of political philosophy, theology and intellectual history.

Jonathan is currently Director of the Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society at Charles Sturt University. He co-hosts The Political Animals and is a contributor at Liberty Itch.

Jonathan has a PhD in political theology from Charles Sturt University, an MA Specialising in Middle Eastern Studies from the Australian National University and a BA Hons in Modern Greek language and history from La Trobe University.

He spent seven years working in several Australian intelligence agencies, primarily on Islamist terrorism.

Jonathan's interests are diverse and eclectic. His current academic work focuses on the social theory of Ludwig von Mises, classical liberalism, libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and ideology.

Jonathan has previously studied, taught and written on political theology, conservatism, Greek (ancient, koine and modern), nineteenth century Greek history, Islamist terrorism, jihad, Lebanese politics, political authority, Oliver O’Donovan, Christos Yannaras, Edmund Burke, Plato, Aristotle.

Jonathan is a promiscuous and undiscerning media contributor. So if you would like him to speak at your event, be a guest on your podcast, publish an op-ed in your newspaper, magazine or blog, get in touch via the contact form below.  

Follow Jonathan on X for social commentary and Academia for his research.

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Episode 9: Aleksandr Dugin: The Fourth Political Theory


The Reign of God constitutes the first detailed and systematic critical engagement with Oliver O'Donovan's political theology. It argues that O'Donovan's theological account of political authority is not tenable on the basis of exegetical and methodological problems.

The book goes on to demonstrate a way to refine O'Donovan's theology of political authority by incorporating insights from his earlier work in moral theology. This can provide a cogent basis for thinking that the Christ-event redeems the natural political authority embedded in the created order and inaugurates its new historical bene esse in the form of Christian liberalism.


"At last, a full-length monograph on Oliver O'Donovan's remarkable theology of political authority. Jonathan Cole does us a great service in this comprehensive, clearly-written and constructively critical account of O'Donovan's political thought. Both seasoned readers of O'Donovan and newcomers to his corpus will find this an invaluable companion."

— Jonathan Chaplin, Institute for Christian Studies, Canada

"This book is no doubt a significant step in the ongoing reception of O'Donovan's political theology, developing a detailed and carefully argued critique of O'Donovan's account of political authority. To his credit, Cole does not let his overall sympathy and appreciation stand in the way of critical examination and disagreement."

— Guido de Graaff, St Augustine College of Theology, UK

"The Reign of God provides a clear map of the logic of O'Donovan's theology of political authority, a lucid understanding of the alternatives that troubled him, and a constructive resolution to his theology's internal contradictions. By thinking with and beyond O'Donovan, this book makes a distinctive contribution to Christian political theology."

— Aristotle Papanikolaou, Professor of Theology, Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Orthodox Theology and Culture, Co-founding director, Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University, USA
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At a moment in which interest in political theology is rising, acceptance of a public role for religion is declining, and cynicism regarding both political and religious institutions is overflowing, this book investigates the possibilities and constraints of a Christian political theology that can meaningfully mediate Scripture, doctrine, and political reality. In critical dialogue with political theologians and political philosophers past and present, we explore the origins, meaning, and purpose of Christian political theology in an age of growing discontent with the once-impregnable liberal democratic order of yesteryear. Approaching politics as both art and science, this book lays a challenge at the feet of political theologians to offer a theological account of politics that is genuinely illuminating of political reality and efficacious for the faithful who seek to operate within it.


“Jonathan Cole offers a powerful and fresh account of the importance and indispensability of political theology. Cole challenges simplistic notions of what it means to do political theology and he argues that it is time for political theology to grow up and become a real discipline. The essays in this book offer a creative, illuminating, and stimulating account of the issues and challenges facing political theology today. A major contribution from a formidable and exciting scholar.”

— Stephen Pickard, Director, Centre for Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University

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On the “Meaning” of Politics

Routledge, preface by Rowan Williams, translated with an introduction by Jonathan Cole.


This book offers a concise, yet provocative, summation of Christos Yannaras’ long reflection on the meaning of politics. It provides vital clarification on Yannaras’ conception and understanding of politics and his interpretation of its historical development in the Western and Eastern theological/civilisational traditions. The book critiques the Western (Christian) tradition of political thought and praxis, namely its individualistic epistemology, its utilitarian political organisation, its obsession with rationalistic efficiency, and its religionized Christianity with all the destructive ideologies flowing therefrom. It aims to recover and counterpose a Greco-Christian conception and practice of politics based on communion, the ecclesia, truth as a collective and common contest or struggle to discover, reveal and manifest cosmic reality and an ontological vision of humans living in harmony with the ornamental order of the universe. With a foreword by Rowan Williams, this is a highly original and significant meditation on the meaning of politics that will be of interest to both political theologians and political philosophers.

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The Effable and the Ineffable: The Linguistic Boundaries of Metaphysical Realism

Winchester University Press, ​edited and with an introduction by Fr Andreas Andreopoulos, translated by Jonathan Cole.

Available for free download via Winchester University Press


"What is the criterion of truth?", asks Christos Yannaras in The Effable and The Ineffable: The Linguistic Boundaries of Metaphysical Realism. Christos Yannaras is a Greek philosopher, Eastern Orthodox theologian and author of more than fifty books which have been translated into many languages. He is a professor emeritus of philosophy at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens.


"Christos Yannaras is one of the most original and revolutionary thinkers of modern Europe, and in this arresting, demanding book he sets out his vision of how a post-truth society might rediscover the reality of shared meaning and the hope of authentic life. Bringing the Greek Fathers into dialogue with the foremost thinkers of modernity, he gives us a comprehensive picture of what 'logos' really means and why it matters."

— Rowan Williams

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The Addition of Orthodox Voices to (Western) Political Theology

Studies in Christian Ethics, 33, no.4 (2020): 549–564.

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The Evangelical-Orthodox Theological Dialogue: Managing Diversity and Navigating Asymmetry

European Journal of Theology 29, no.1 (2020): 27–38.

"The Problematic of Greek Identity and Christos Yannaras' Quest for a Politics of Authentic Existence"

In Polis, Ontology, Ecclesial Event: Engaging with Christos Yannaras' Thought, edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, 47–63. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2018.

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"The Jihadist Current and the West: Politics, Theology, and the Clash of Conceptuality"

In Does Religion Cause Violence? Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World, edited by Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming, Joel Hodge, and Carly Osborn, 207–228. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018.

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"The Communo-centric Political Theology of Christos Yannaras in Conversation with Oliver O'Donovan"

In Mustard Seeds in the Public Square: Between and Beyond Theology, Philosophy, and Society, edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, 61–92. Wilmington, Del.: Vernon Press, 2017.

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